FDA Approves “Six Vaccines in One”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new vaccine that is being billed as “six vaccines in one.” As reported by Forbes.com:

“[T]he hexavalent Vaxelis is designed to offer protection against six diseases and significantly reduce the number of shots you need to get as a little kid. Thus, to be fully immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and invasive haemophilus influenza type B disease, [children] will only have to get three doses of Vaxelis between… turning 6 weeks and turning 5 years old.”

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FDA Approves Expanded Use of Gardasil 9 HPV Vaccine

In late 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced expanded approval of the Gardasil 9 human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine. Previously approved for administration to males and females between the ages of 9 and 26, Gardasil 9 is now an approved HPV vaccine for men and women through 45 years of age.

According to the FDA’s press release:

“[The] approval represents an important opportunity to help prevent HPV-related diseases and cancers in a broader age range. . . . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that HPV vaccination prior to becoming infected with the HPV types covered by the vaccine has the potential to prevent more than 90 percent of these cancers, or 31,200 cases every year, from ever developing.”

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U.S. Researchers are Investigating an Oral Flu Vaccine

According to a recent article in MD Magazine, scientists at a private research company have made significant progress toward the development of an oral flu vaccine. As stated in the article, the researchers at Vaxart, Inc., “have found that an oral tablet for influenza vaccination can protect against infection just as well as – if not better than – a commercial injectable quadrivalent influenza vaccine.”

The oral flu vaccine recently underwent Phase 2 clinical trials, reportedly with very favorable results. MD Magazine reports that: Continue reading

Why Isn’t My Shoulder Pain Going Away After a Vaccine Injection?

flu-vaccine-injury-300When you receive a vaccine injection, it is normal to experience mild shoulder pain for a short period of time. However, this pain should fade fairly quickly; and, in most cases, it should not interfere with your work or regular household activities.

But, for some people, the pain doesn’t go away. For some people, it gets worse to the point that the pain becomes immobilizing. This level of shoulder pain after a vaccination is not normal, and could be a sign of a potentially-serious shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). Continue reading

Can a Vaccination Lead to Wrongful Death?

syringe-vaccinationWhile vaccines are crucial to the overall health of the American population, tragically, some people suffer fatal injuries and illnesses as a result of their vaccinations. This is not a problem that can be ignored, and there is no worse result than for a routine vaccination to have such dire consequences.

For families who have lost loved ones due to diagnosed vaccine-related medical conditions such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), financial compensation is available through the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Filing a claim under the VICP takes the place of filing a civil lawsuit against a hospital or pharmaceutical company, and securing compensation under the VICP is less expensive and usually much quicker than pursuing a traditional wrongful death claim. In fact, since the VICP pays claimants’ legal fees separately from their awards of compensation, you can hire an experienced vaccine attorney to handle your claim at no financial cost to you. Continue reading

Filing a Vaccine Injury Claim – The Do’s and Don’ts

What to do before filing a claim for vaccine injury compensation

conf-roomThere are many steps that one should take when filing a claim for compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The good news is that for most of those steps, your interests will be represented by a lawyer who will walk you through exactly what to do and when to do it.

Prior to retaining counsel, there will likely be many questions that remain to be answered. This article will cover some of the facts an individual should know prior to filing a claim for vaccine compensation. Continue reading

Keeping Track of Your Losses After a Vaccine Injury

Under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), individuals diagnosed with vaccine-related illnesses and injuries can recover compensation for four categories of losses: (i) out-of-pocket expenses (including medical bills), (ii) loss of income, and (iii) pain and suffering, and (iv) the cost of future medical care. These losses can add up quickly, and the compensation available includes not only compensation for past losses, but for projected future losses as well. Continue reading

Sports Injury or Vaccine Injury? Many of the Symptoms are Similar

sports-shoulder-injuryThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends several vaccinations for children at all ages (and many states require them), and from the court to the field, youth sports involve inherent risks that can lead to a variety of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal injuries.

When children complain of pain in the days or weeks following a vaccination, it is important to determine the cause of their injuries. While the symptoms of many sport injuries and vaccine injuries are similar, treatment options can vary depending upon the specific injury diagnosed. Continue reading

Flu Shot Injuries: Symptoms, Treatment & Compensation

If you are experiencing pain or other unusual sensations or limitations following a flu shot, these could be symptoms of an illness or injury resulting from your vaccination. Each year, tens of thousands of people are diagnosed with vaccine-related medical conditions, many of them resulting from flu vaccine injections in the shoulder.

When you make an appointment to have yourself or your children vaccinated, it is important to make sure that you understand potential risks that may be involved. It is also important to make sure you know the steps for pursuing compensation for vaccine injuries. Continue reading

Vaccine Shoulder Injuries – Why Misplaced Needles Can Cause Lasting Injury

While the sting from an injection is enough to make most children (and many adults) fear getting their annual flu shot, it usually goes away pretty quickly. But, what happens if the pain does not go away? What happens if it gets worse, and what happens if it is accompanied by swelling or limited shoulder mobility?

The sting from an injection is normal. Lasting shoulder pain from a flu shot is not. In many cases, shoulder pain following a flu shot is a sign of a potentially serious shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). Continue reading