How Hard is It to File a Successful Vaccine Injury (VICP) Claim?

For individuals diagnosed with vaccine-related injuries and illnesses, securing just compensation is an important part of the recovery process. Not only can these injuries and illnesses be incredibly expensive, but they can also impact all aspects of a person’s life.

What Vaccine Recipients Need to Know Before Filing a VICP Claim

In most cases, securing just compensation for a vaccine-related injury or illness involves filing a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). How hard is it to file a successful VICP claim? Vaccine attorney Leah V. Durant explains: Continue reading

How Do You File a Successful Vaccine Injury Claim?

The costs of a vaccine injury can be substantial. In addition to financial costs such as medical bills and loss of income, individuals diagnosed with vaccine-related medical conditions can experience chronic pain and long-term suffering. As a result, filing a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) can be an important part of the recovery process. In this article, vaccine attorney Leah V. Durant offers some tips for filing a successful vaccine injury claim. Continue reading

FAQs: Shoulder Pain and Vaccine Injury Compensation

Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) is among the most common of all vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. This is due predominantly to the fact that they are caused by vaccination errors rather than vaccine ingredients, which means that all vaccines that are administered via injection into the shoulder have the potential to cause SIRVA. Here are answers to some frequently-asked questions about recovering financial compensation for SIRVA under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP): Continue reading

10 Key Facts about Vaccine Injury Claims

If you have been diagnosed with a vaccine-related injury, including a Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA), you may be entitled to recover your medical expenses and certain other losses under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Here are 10 key facts about filing a claim under the VICP:

1. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a Federal Initiative Designed to Protect Individuals Diagnosed with Vaccine Injuries.

The VICP is a federal government program that Congress established in 1988 for the sole purpose of making it easier for individuals diagnosed with vaccine injuries to recover financial compensation. Under the VICP, individuals diagnosed with vaccine injuries can collect money from the government instead of filing a lawsuit against the vaccine manufacturer in court. Continue reading

Shoulder Pain After an MMR Vaccine? It Could Be a Sign of SIRVA

The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine has recently been in the news as a result of reports of measles outbreaks in several parts of the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), outbreaks have been reported in California, Illinois, New York, Texas and Washington, with more cases of measles already confirmed in 2019 (269 as of March 14) than all of 2016 and 2017 combined (206).

While the CDC recommends vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella for most individuals (with limited exceptions for pregnant women and individuals with certain other health conditions), “[d]uring an outbreak is when you see an influx of patients who would otherwise be vaccine-hesitant,” according to an infection control nurse in Washington quoted by CNN. Unfortunately, although getting the MMR vaccine can significantly reduce an individual’s risk of contracting measles, it carries certain risks as well. Continue reading

What Should You Ask and Tell your Doctor Before You Get Vaccinated?

While vaccinations are routine procedures that carry strong recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they still carry certain risks. Flu shots, tetanus shots, and other CDC-recommended vaccinations are known to cause a variety of injuries and illnesses, and errors during the vaccine administration process can lead to various types of painful and debilitating shoulder injuries. Continue reading

Why Isn’t My Shoulder Pain Going Away After a Vaccine Injection?

flu-vaccine-injury-300When you receive a vaccine injection, it is normal to experience mild shoulder pain for a short period of time. However, this pain should fade fairly quickly; and, in most cases, it should not interfere with your work or regular household activities.

But, for some people, the pain doesn’t go away. For some people, it gets worse to the point that the pain becomes immobilizing. This level of shoulder pain after a vaccination is not normal, and could be a sign of a potentially-serious shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). Continue reading

Can a Vaccination Lead to Wrongful Death?

While vaccines are crucial to the overall health of the American population, tragically, some people suffer fatal injuries and illnesses as a result of their vaccinations. This is not a problem that can be ignored, and there is no worse result than for a routine vaccination to have such dire consequences.

For families who have lost loved ones due to diagnosed vaccine-related medical conditions such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), financial compensation is available through the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Filing a claim under the VICP takes the place of filing a civil lawsuit against a hospital or pharmaceutical company, and securing compensation under the VICP is less expensive and usually much quicker than pursuing a traditional wrongful death claim. In fact, since the VICP pays claimants’ legal fees separately from their awards of compensation, you can hire an experienced vaccine attorney to handle your claim at no financial cost to you. Continue reading

Vaccine Shoulder Injuries – Why Misplaced Needles Can Cause Lasting Injury

While the sting from an injection is enough to make most children (and many adults) fear getting their annual flu shot, it usually goes away pretty quickly. But, what happens if the pain does not go away? What happens if it gets worse, and what happens if it is accompanied by swelling or limited shoulder mobility?

The sting from an injection is normal. Lasting shoulder pain from a flu shot is not. In many cases, shoulder pain following a flu shot is a sign of a potentially serious shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). Continue reading

Have You or Someone You Love Experienced Pain or Illness Following Vaccination? Get Valuable Information on How to Seek Help

Experiencing pain or an illness following vaccination can be frightening. Whether it’s you or a family member, knowing what to do – and where to turn for help – can be a challenge.

At the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant, PLLC, we represent clients who have suffered a vaccine-related illness or injury nationwide. We have also developed numerous resources for individuals who have been harmed by vaccines. The following are 10 of our most popular articles on vaccine-related injuries and how to go about filing a claim for compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Continue reading